June - July
The start of the mission in Nicaragua has several different dates that can be used. March 26, 1997, is when we first meet Mario Roque in Ola, AR and the statement was made, “Let’s open a medical clinic for the outreach of the Church.” Grand Opening of that clinic was Saturday, October 25, 1997, and clinic opened for patients October 27, 1997. Whether we take the March date or the October date we have the blessing of being into our 20th year of working in Nicaragua with the objective of sharing Jesus as we serve people. None of this would have been or continue to be possible without God’s blessings of your support, encouragement, and prayers.
Xiomara's surgery
Summer is always full: full of loving, full of serving, full of sharing and full of guest missionaries. It has been a challenging and exciting time as we celebrate our 20th anniversary of serving people as we share Jesus in Nicaragua.
Our summer started May 20th with the arrival of Texas Tech Medical, and as of August 3rd, we have had 21groups (and six individuals) with us. We will have four more groups by August 22nd. Guest missionaries, are a very important part of what we do in Nicaragua and now in Honduras, too. Thanks to all that have come to serve and share with us: Texas Tech (TTHSC), Highway, Peoria, Eureka, Grapevine, University of Mississippi Medical School, Webb Chapel, Kilgore, Snellville, Paducah, South Plains, Burleson, Rader Family, Westgate, Duncanville, Sylvan Hills, Harding Pharmacy, Texarkana (Walnut and Hampton), Dover, and College Ave/El Dorado.
Numbers do not tell the entire story but so far, this summer we have: rendered medical care to over 12,000 people, built or repaired six homes, work continued on the building for the church in Pantasma, built three latrines, placed 24 water filters in homes, gardens planted, among other projects. We know is not possible to put a number on the children and families touched with Children Outreach, Kingdom Kids, and our schools and congregations. And so much of this was made possible because of those that came to serve and share along the side of us.
In addition to the mission teams, the major events two major events set this summer apart-the first being the opportunity for Xiomara to go to the states for surgery. And second, our baseball team, the Angels (but for the trip we just called them Team Nicaragua) had an amazing journey to the states. We are thankful for UT Southwestern and Dr. Carlos Timaran who arranged and performed Xiomara's surgery, and we are also thankful to all who helped with the connections for the surgery, housing, prayers, transportation and financial support for her journey to healing.
Team Nicaragua Trip
There is no way to describe Team Nicaragua trip, other than to simply say “amazing.”. Meeting the Governor of Arkansas, running on the field at a Traveler’s game. Being a guest of the Kansas City Royals for a ballgame, visiting the Pack-Shack, and, yes, they also played some baseball with Team Arkansas that came to Nicaragua last year. Some of Team Arkansas players were with Team Nicaragua throughout their time in the states. Thanks to Andrew, Global Sports, Harding University, and Colette for all she did for this trip and much more that made this amazing trip possible.
Our thirteenth year to do Uplift was held July 8th in Leon with over 1,400 teenagers from over 60 congregations. A day of worship, food, sports, Bible Bowl, fun and fellowship with youth across Nicaragua.
What a blessing of a day! Thanks to everyone who had a part in this special day. And special thanks to Nicaraguan Christian School in Leon for the use of their location.
We continued to have the blessing of a great group of interns this summer. Emilanne, Austin, and Marissa have finished their time with us and what a blessing they were. Ciara, Hannah, and Elizabeth will be with us until August. It was great to have Travis Stewart (not an intern) with us for seven weeks and Sara Zehr who is with us for six weeks to work with our Sustainable Living Project (Hope4Life), with us as well.
Kindom Kids - Honduras
We had one unusual week in July during which we did not have a mission team in Jinotega. During that week Ciara, Elizabeth, Hannah, Sara, Harvy, and Benny travel to Honduras to have time with Kingdom Kids-Honduras, The Good Samaritan School. One of the highlights of the visit was on Sunday we hosted an area-wide worship with over 700 in attendance from 19 congregation-a very special day! For three days, we were able to visit with Tonita, Karina, and Jhonny and also had some very special time with the children. There will be a complete update on the school coming soon.
As we celebrate 20 years, can you help us bring 20,000 SMILES to Nicaragua?
Contact us today.
Jonathan, Sheila and Alejandro
In July, we said “see you later” to Jonathan, Sheila, and Alejandro as they completed almost six years of working with the mission and church in Nicaragua. They will always have a special place in the hearts and history of the work here. Words cannot express our appreciation for all that they did and the work they leave in place for us to continue. Please keep them in your prayers as they make this transition.
The List:
- Continue to keep Kingdom Kids in your prayers for the projects in Jinotega, Apanas, Yali, and for The School of the Good Samaritan in Honduras. Misión Para Cristo with Kingdom Kids is now serving over 800 children in these locations. To sponsor a child in Nicaragua go to www.kingdomkidsnicaragua.com, in Honduras go to www.kingdomkidshonduras.com
- We need $350 a month for IPO in Chinandega, San Jose Bocay, and Ocotal. Also, support is needed to open a new location in Wiwili, where we have ten students ready to begin studying. Your support of one of these locations would be greatly appreciated. This support covers food, transportation, and materials for the students.
- SMILES 2017 – Make your plans to be part of this opportunity to touch children and their families. And in the process, bring a Smile to your face as well.
- Children’s Outreach Ministry (Jinotega and Apanas). We continue to need to raise $60 per week per center to cover the cost of materials, training, food (the children are feed each week) and other special activities (which includes Bible class for the mothers of some of the children in Jinotega). A total of $520 a month is needed for expenses of both programs. Please keep this children’s outreach program in your prayers as young lives are touched.
- Many congregations will be starting soon planning their budgets for 2018. We would ask for an opportunity to share the needs the mission has as we look forward to 2018.
- Planning a mission trip in 2018, would love for you to come to Nicaragua or to the school in Honduras. Contact us today on the possibilities of your group coming to Nicaragua or Honduras.