Sheila posted week that as of June 30 we have had 501 come and serve with us this year. Our first group this year arrived January 2 (which actually was two groups) and normally (if there is anything normal here) our first group of the summer is the Highway congregation but this year our summer started May 10 with the arrival of our third group from Texas Tech this year followed by West End in Knoxville making their first trip to Nicaragua. June started with Fort Worth Christian and Highway here followed by groups from Sunset in Lubbock, Ocala, FL, and Kilgore, TX. Dr. Patterson brought a group of students to be part of a seminar at UNAN and UCAN in Leon and be in Jinotega with Olive Branch Ministries the next week. Following OBM we had little break which allowed us to have a great time with our grandchildren from Florida (and their other grandfather) with Mike and Ann Faris here. June closed with the arrival of the group from North Atlanta. God continues to be gracious to us with those that come…and so much of our summer efforts center around those that come.
On Saturday May 31, the youth of the church in Jinotega had a time to honor mothers (May 30 is Mother’s Day in Nicaragua). And in June they had something for Father’s Day in Nicaragua, June 23. On May 1 the youth had a full day activity to help with Casa Materna by making baby bags for supplies that have been received from so many of you.
In June the Institute for Preparation workers continued in Jinotega, Chinandega and Ocotal. We have started another location for IPO in San Jose Bocay. Our prayers is that we will be able to restart IPO in the prison in July and the next session on the Rio Coco will be in August.
In response to the earthquake in April we have been able to distribute food to affected areas and help with several homes. The challenge is one that we regularly have, more request than funds available. Waiting for the decision on the best direction of help for others effected, we are looking to the leaders of the church in the Managua area to help with those decisions. Thanks to everyone that have helped us be able to do what we have done and what we will be able to do.
A year ago we started conversation with the juvenile judge on ways to help the “Youth at Risk” in our area. Especially those with whom she has direct responsibility. In Nicaragua they do not have juvenile detention centers and those who are in trouble with the courts, unless it is violent offense they place in what we call “house arrest.” They can go to school, limited work and go to church but other than that they are confined to home. Through the year we have had a couple of activities working with this group but in June we started a more official effort with the judge. Felipe Cuadra and Luis Lopez, with other youth from the church in Jinotega are having more direct activities for this group. 46 attended the first function with the next function scheduled in July. Please keep the opportunity to serve the needs of these young people so that their tomorrows will be better than today.
OUR GOAL OF 10,000.
In June we mourned the loss of Jean Prather, Donna’s mother. She was a very special lady who gave Donna and me a lot of encouragement for the mission here. She had made three trips to Nicaragua and was loved by many Nicaraguans. We will always have a constant reminder of her love and support with the building in Apanas and the school in Santa Barbara. I don’t know of a building that gets more use than the building in Apanas as it serves as a location for the church, residence for the minister, school classrooms, location for One Child Matters and a Saturday Bible school for children. For a lady who as the poem goes “rather gather children than roses” over 300 children are served in some way each week in that one building. Memorials received in her memory are going to be used to build a third school in her honor.
- Prayers for those in Nicaragua directly affected by the earthquake in April. We are working to help some in rebuilding and have a container of soup mix coming for distribution. Houses can be rebuilt, food can be given but God can only give the peace from the uncertainty that many are living with today. The earthquake was felt in Jinotega but no damage.
- Working with Dr. Chad Stephens we are moving forward on the development of a Specialty Medical clinic as part of our medical outreach. Be in touch with us on how you can be part of the development of the expansion of our medical care in Nicaragua.
- Continue to keep the development of One Child Matters in Nicaragua as we look to the development of two additional locations. The next location chosen in Yali.
- We are regularly given many of opportunities to serve but we are not able to say yes to everything, please keep us in your prayers for wisdom from God for when to say yes and to say no. We pray for it regularity.
- It is time to secure more Bibles. Help us secure 10,000 more Bibles for Nicaragua. Cost…$3 a Bible.
- We have container of supplies in Abilene that we need to get to Nicaragua. Cost of shipping, fees, etc. $ 9,000. We working on a second container that will be shipped out of Dallas.
Thanks for your continued support. Because none of this would be possible without God’s blessings and your partnership… by you doing something, we doing something and God putting it together we can do something we could have not done apart from each other…
Benny and Donna Baker