November 2013
Nicaragua over 16 years. November has been for us a time to see with thanksgiving where we have come, where we are and looking to where God will lead us. We know that none of what has happened, is happening or will happen would be possible without God’s blessings of your support, prayers and encouragement.
We started November at the 50th Pan American Lectureship in Guatemala where the first PAL was held in 1963. We have had the privilege of being part of PAL for the last 12 years and we both agree this was the best we have attended. PAL provides many blessings but none greater than having the time with those who share a heart for Latin America and they also understand the challenges and the blessings. One of the highlights of the week was the worship and meal with the brethren in Guatemala City with over 4,000 in attendance. A special thanks to Jim Frazier for all his work to bring PAL together each year.
ONE CHILD MATTERS!!!! Iris has a sponsor but Keydin, Kimberlin, Marling, Oscar and others do not. Be in touch with us today on how you can make a difference in the life of one child at time. Also contact us if you would be willing to share One Child Matters at your congregation. Packets are available, contact us today. All projects are based on the growth of Jesus as written in Luke 2:52: “He grew in wisdom and stature before men and God.” We have 150 children waiting for your help.
1. Contact us on ways for you to specifically be involved in Nicaragua. Can you help us find 25 new partners for the church and mission in 2014? Please share this mission with someone today.
2. Support is needed for medicine for the medical clinic. $1,100 is needed to purchase medicine for the clinic on a monthly bases.
3. We have 8 congregations/preachers that need your support. $300 a month is needed for the congregation to have a location to meet and an evangelist.
4. Our Bible Institute needs in 2014 additional $1,000 month to fully fund the needs for six locations. Six will graduate in December in Jinotega with classes starting back in February. We end the year 221 students in the six locations.
5. Please keep Jonathan and Sheila in your prayers as they continue the process of residency and working for the adoption of a child in Nicaragua.
6. Can you help with $10,000 (3 cents a serving) for the shipping and distribution of soup? We had one arrive in November and would like to secure one container in January 2014. God blessed with your support to distribute over 2,000,000 servings in 2013.
7. Please continue to keep in your prayers the development of the partnership with One Child Matters and the possibilities of three additional locations immediately.
8. You can make donations through our website using Pay-Pal or by mailing your support to Misión Para Cristo, Grapevine Church of Christ, 525 N Park Blvd, Grapevine, TX 76051
We thank God continually for the blessings of your support for this Mission for Christ in Nicaragua. Because none of this would be possible without both: His blessings and your support.
Because of Him…Benny and Donna