August 2013
This month we unveil an updated logo for the mission. Thanks to Christian Ross for this and also for the new “Smiles” brochure distributed this year.
The best way to describe the end of our summer groups would be to take a quote from Jonathan’s blog:
“We completed the summer rush this past group, in 2013 we saw over 500 guests and completed just over 12,000 hours of work. No wonder I'm tired! (Not really - I just sit behind a desk planning everyone else's work.) The pace has slowed a bit - it never completely stops. But the evenings are much more relaxed as we no longer have guests to feed, etc. The groups this year have come in all sizes and shapes. We have hosted guests as young as 17 months and as seasoned well into the 80s. We have had groups that came with specific focuses in mind and others who came to do "whatever." In all that was done, it is our prayer that God was glorified. We have had visitors who came to serve by themselves and groups converging to have almost 80 here at one time.”
Thanks to all for a very full and exciting summer! Special Note: our schedule is almost full for the 2014 summer.
In August we had groups from Paragould and Little Rock, Arkansas, Kilgore and El Paso, TX and Canada. One of the highlights of our August groups was seven baptisms when the group from Sylvan Hills in Little Rock was here. With them was Dr. Santiago from Cuba. He was here for two weeks and a great spiritual influence on our staff and others.Thanks to all for a very full and exciting summer! Special Note: our schedule is almost full for the 2014 summer.
This summer we had with us Joy Crouch in June and Michael and Diane Folkert in August working with Tania and our English classes using World English Institute material. We hope to expand and continue to work with WEI in the future.
During the year and especially in the summer we receive many things in shipments and when groups leave. Most are distributed with the congregations we work with, our schools and other opportunities especially to our staff. So when the last group leaves in the summer we have a staff “give away” to say thank you for their tremendous work and effort. We could not do what we do if we did not have a staff that is second to none, period. Thank you for what you gave that gives a blessing to all. It is always a very fun day. Staff always appreciates tennis shoes, jeans and other items for their families.
- The fall has Donna and I traveling more in the states sharing the story of the mission in Nicaragua. Contact us if there is an opportunity to come your way. Can you help us find 25 new partners for the mission and church in Nicaragua? Please share this Mission for Christ with someone. And please keep our travels in your prayers.
- For some time many of you have been praying for the decision of the care of Donna’s mother. They have moved her mother to live with Donna’s brother and his family. Please keep her transition in your prayers.
- Also please keep Becky and Tommy Brown in your prayers as they continue to wait for the arrival of Lucas to their family as of this writing.
- We continue to need funding for the expansion of the Institute of Preparation of Workers. We need an additional $800 a month to fully fund all six of locations of IPO.
- Hope4Life needs your help to put water filters in homes and all of the schools and congregations we work directly with. The cost of each filter is $50.
- Please keep Jonathan and Sheila in your prayers as they continue the process of trying to adopt a child in Nicaragua.
- We continue to need glasses for Sight for Sore Eyes. Maybe you could share Nicaragua with someone who is a member of your local Lions Club.
- Funding for a container of soup. We would like to secure one more container in 2013.
- Also in your prayers the development of the partnership with One Child Matters and the possibilities of three additional locations immediately.
- Three years ago many of you helped us secure toothbrushes. We need your help again to secure 25,000 toothbrushes for Teethsavers.
- "Children of the Rio Coco" – Jonathan is developing a 2014 sequel, he says of a sort, to the 2013 "Children of Jinotega" calendar he did last year. He is asking for a donation of $15 to $20 for each calendar. If you would like to get a 2014 Calendar contact Jonathan, and place your order now. They make great Christmas gifts.
- You can make donations through our website using Pay-Pal or by mailing your support to Misión Para Cristo, Grapevine Church of Christ, 525 N Park Blvd, Grapevine, TX 76051.
Started in 2001, thousands of generous and loving people have made it possible to distribute now over 10,000 Christmas boxes to children across several regions of Nicaragua each year! In 2012 alone - with the help of so many of you - we were able to distribute 11,036 Smile boxes! Every year has been a success but we need your help to keep it going! Start a campaign in your congregation, school or neighborhood; send it to your family and friends; and help us reach just one more!
Thanks for your continued support and encouragement for efforts for Him in Nicaragua.