March & April 2013
The first two weeks of March we had with us three spring groups: A campus ministry group from Louisiana Tech, a nursing school from Texas Tech. and a student led team from Harding University. (This is our 11th year to host a Spring Break group from Harding.) God has given us a great blessing in our partnership with these different schools.
Jonathan and Sheila have developed a Children’s Day for us to do in different communities with our groups. LA Tech and the nursing school students combined to do one in the community of Los Chagüites, south of Jinotega. It is a very remote community with very limited resources. The day includes a little of all that we do: Bible stories, medical care, games, food, fun, and most of all we strive to touch so that they can know the love of our Lord.
The nursing students came prepared to present First Aid Training for our Community Health Promoters. This is the third seminar done by Texas Tech for our Health Promoters over the last two years. They brought with them First Aid bags for each of the Health Promoters. The group was also able to visit some of our schools, where they delivered some of the First aid bags they brought for each of our schools. Their week was full with visits to the hospital and health center, Casa Materna and work in our clinic with Dra. Pena and Leo.
Harding’s week was full of many different activities that included construction, visiting our schools, working in our clinic, community gardens, supporting Casa Materna and more.
In April we received two containers. One of out of Global Samaritan in Abilene and the other a container of soup mix. Our next container will be out of Sylvan Hills in Little Rock in May. We need funding for another soup container in June,
Last summer we had a group from El Paso with us and one of the objectives of their week was to do a baseball clinic for little leaguers. When they left one of the team members expressed his plan to help us build a baseball field. We had to wait until the end of the dry season to start the construction. We are excited to share that the field is now being built! With the support and help of the community of Tomatoya, just north of Jinotega the land has been prepared, posts for the fence have been dug and we are just about ready to plant grass.
The Hope4Life team continues the distribution of the water filters. To date they have place help families to have a water filter in their homes helping over 250 people to have clean water. The process is that they provide the basic supplies and the family builds the filter for their family. Also, have you heard the Browns are going to have a baby in their home in September.
A special thanks to Truth for Today in Searcy, AR who gave us this month 3,000 more copies of the book Becoming a Faithful Christian in Spanish. Over the last seven years we have distributed over 15,000 copies of the book and we now give it to the ladies at Casa Materna with the baby bags that have been prepared before them. This book could have been titled Where There is No Preacher as it combines both God’s word and teaching material. Thanks to Janese Davis, Becky Brown and all the ladies at the church in Jinotega that work together to serve these ladies in the name Jesus. The books will be on the container out of Sylvan Hills in Little Rock in May.
The middle of March we started an extended trip to the states that took us to Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Colorado, Missouri, Arkansas and on vacation. Our trip was extended in April with Donna’s emergency surgery. She continues to improve, although much too slowly for her wishes. Thanks for all your prayers, phone calls, visits and notes during her time in the hospital. We are blessed with so many who are a support and encouragement to us. We would like to say a special thanks to the National Park congregation in Hot Springs where Donna had her surgery. This congregation is a living example of what the family of God is all about. They showed caring for the family, even family they had never meet ‘till we called and needed help with some ladies to sit with Donna, and their help did not stop there.
Thank you for your continued support of the mission.
Last summer we had a group from El Paso with us and one of the objectives of their week was to do a baseball clinic for little leaguers. When they left one of the team members expressed his plan to help us build a baseball field. We had to wait until the end of the dry season to start the construction. We are excited to share that the field is now being built! With the support and help of the community of Tomatoya, just north of Jinotega the land has been prepared, posts for the fence have been dug and we are just about ready to plant grass.
The Hope4Life team continues the distribution of the water filters. To date they have place help families to have a water filter in their homes helping over 250 people to have clean water. The process is that they provide the basic supplies and the family builds the filter for their family. Also, have you heard the Browns are going to have a baby in their home in September.
A special thanks to Truth for Today in Searcy, AR who gave us this month 3,000 more copies of the book Becoming a Faithful Christian in Spanish. Over the last seven years we have distributed over 15,000 copies of the book and we now give it to the ladies at Casa Materna with the baby bags that have been prepared before them. This book could have been titled Where There is No Preacher as it combines both God’s word and teaching material. Thanks to Janese Davis, Becky Brown and all the ladies at the church in Jinotega that work together to serve these ladies in the name Jesus. The books will be on the container out of Sylvan Hills in Little Rock in May.
The middle of March we started an extended trip to the states that took us to Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Colorado, Missouri, Arkansas and on vacation. Our trip was extended in April with Donna’s emergency surgery. She continues to improve, although much too slowly for her wishes. Thanks for all your prayers, phone calls, visits and notes during her time in the hospital. We are blessed with so many who are a support and encouragement to us. We would like to say a special thanks to the National Park congregation in Hot Springs where Donna had her surgery. This congregation is a living example of what the family of God is all about. They showed caring for the family, even family they had never meet ‘till we called and needed help with some ladies to sit with Donna, and their help did not stop there.
- Funding is needed for the expansion of the Institute of Preparation of Workers. We need an additional $800 a month to fully fund all six of locations of IPO in 2013.
- Can you help us find 25 new partners for the mission and church in Nicaragua? Please share this Mission for Christ with someone.
- Hope4Life needs your help to help us put water filters in all of our schools and congregations. The cost of each filter is $50.
- Funding for a container of soup in June.
- We need 2 male interns for the summer.
- Please keep our summer groups in your prayers, starting the first week of May through the second week of August we only have two weeks without a group with us in Nicaragua. What a blessing.
- You can make donations through our website using Pay-Pal or by mailing your support to Misión Para Cristo, Garland Street Church of Christ, 700 Garland Street, Plainview, TX 79081
Thank you for your continued support of the mission.
Because of Him:
Benny and Donna Baker