December 2011
The month started with Harvey, Tommy, Becky and Benny being able to travel to Honduras for Baxter’s graduation. It was joy to be able to with Eric and Maria, who did their Practical Ministry with us the first part of 2011, for their graduation and to see the girls. He was the valedictorian of his class. Also to spend some time with Sirhan and Xochithl who will be returning to Nicaragua in January to their Practical Ministry Assignment, as interns. Sirhan and Jergen will be in here the 15th of January. Some of your may remember them, she was our first Dentist and he was baptized by Tomas. Xochithl will not get to come immediately because she will be going to Arizona to undergo medical treatment. Please her and the family in your prayers.
The Institute for Preparation of Workers (IPO) met for our sixth session in December and we were blessed to have Arthur Puente from Sunset was with us. Arthur was able to meet with the institute directors and teachers to discuss future plans and ways we can do what we do better. Next December we will have our first graduation from the changes made to IPO and in January we will start our new class. With the IPO on the river we had 75 students this year preparing them for service to the church in Northern Nicaragua. This number does not include about 60 students that Luis Prada continues to work with once a week in the prison.
On December 10, we had the second class of Teethsavers graduated. This class included two students from Presidian in Honduras and Alberto’s son Luis. Thanks to Dr. Rudd and Teethsavers International and their partnership with us, a special for the work of Dr Bismarck and Alan for their leadership in with us. Teethsavers is a great example of how partnership leads to even greater good.
All the events above were only during the first half of December!
Thanks to the support of so many, more than 9,500 “Smiles” were shipped to Nicaragua. After weeks of delay the container from Arkansas arrived in Jinotega on the 21st and almost all of the “Smiles” were distributed before Christmas. The first distribution went to 125 congregations and 27 schools. We are waiting for the second container to arrive the first week of January.
JUST ONE MORE: We ended 2011 with 27 schools with 46 classrooms and over 2,700 students. With your help, Alberto, our school director, says that number could be 32 schools and over 3,000. For that to happen we need your help for us to help “Just One More” student, school and community. $20 a month supports a child, $350 a month support a school. Please ask your friends who not year committed to our work at Misión Para Cristo to seriously consider partnering with us. Thank you!
Continue to follow the development of the efforts of the Hennigers, Counts and Browns.
Support for any of the above opportunities can be sent to Misión Para Cristo, 700 Garland Street, Plainview, TX 79072 or through our website using pay-pal.
Thanks for your continued support for this Mission for Christ in Nicaragua. Please continue to keep the church, the mission and us in Nicaragua in your prayers as we move into 2012…