January 2012
It is hard to believe that we are already into the second month of the year. As with most months, January was full of many different opportunities and blessings.
Three groups came during the first two weeks of January. The groups overlapped each, but all came with different objectives.
Three groups came during the first two weeks of January. The groups overlapped each, but all came with different objectives.
The first was a group of ladies from the Monterey congregation in Lubbock, Tex. who came to work with Janese and Casa Materna. Monterey had a baby shower for the Casa Materna in December, and the ladies brought their suitcases full of those supplies.
Doelas Landes brought a group with him (mainly his family) to help with the start of the construction of the school in Chimborazo and finish Yesica’s house. The group was here for one week, but Doelas blessed us by staying and working another two weeks.
We had our first river trip of 2012. A group from Bread for a Hungry World was with us. This organization is helping us with supplies and support for the river. On this trip, we took 500 “Smiles,” medical attention and held another session for the Institute of Preparation of Workers. God continues to bless us in expanding the work on the river. With the help of “Bread,” we will be securing two individuals to work on the river and the purchase of our own boat. We also have commitment to purchase the necessary medicine needed for the river in 2012. The next scheduled trip on the river is March.
The second container shipped in November arrived with the remaining “Smiles,” this month, so distribution for 2011 is now just about completed. The pictures say the Thank-you for your support for us have been able give “Smiles” to over 9,500 children. Distribution was made to 153 congregations and 33 schools this year. Please contact us for a video of this year’s distribution.
Shike King and Steve Fox from West Virginia were also with us this month. They came as a part of Health Talents’ annual Medical Brigade, which comes annually to Managua, but were able to spend some time with us. Shike has been raising money to help us dig another well.
Donna and I returned to the states on January 17 to be part of “Tethered,” a benefit dinner put together by the Mitchell Center for Leadership and Ministry at Harding. The event was held on the 19th at the Southwest Airlines Headquarters with 130 in attendance. Thanks goes out to many people: first, to Monique Jacques who was the driving force for the night, to Hollee Ford and Angela Brooks and their help to Monique, to Harris III who provided great entertainment for the evening, to Kathy Griffin and Dr Pepper who provided a pallet of drinks, Branden Tittle and all that helped to set up and clean up, and MOST OF ALL to everyone who joined us for the evening. Thanks to everyone for your support of the mission in Nicaragua
On the 20th and 21st we took part in the Annual Medical Mission Conference held in Dallas. Thanks to the people at ICHF in Searcy who have sponsored the conference for 30 years. After the conference, we visited with the folks at Healing Hands/Fort Worth, Global Samaritan, to Andrews and Lubbock to visit with ladies making dresses for the girls in Nicaragua, Midland, Plainview, Sunray, Children Relief Fund, Southwest in Amarillo, Dimmitt, Clovis and Farwell. Needless to say, it was a very full two weeks. A special thanks to Glenn and Beverly McDonnell for hosting a dinner at their home for us to share the mission in Plainview.
Donna and I returned to the states on January 17 to be part of “Tethered,” a benefit dinner put together by the Mitchell Center for Leadership and Ministry at Harding. The event was held on the 19th at the Southwest Airlines Headquarters with 130 in attendance. Thanks goes out to many people: first, to Monique Jacques who was the driving force for the night, to Hollee Ford and Angela Brooks and their help to Monique, to Harris III who provided great entertainment for the evening, to Kathy Griffin and Dr Pepper who provided a pallet of drinks, Branden Tittle and all that helped to set up and clean up, and MOST OF ALL to everyone who joined us for the evening. Thanks to everyone for your support of the mission in Nicaragua
On the 20th and 21st we took part in the Annual Medical Mission Conference held in Dallas. Thanks to the people at ICHF in Searcy who have sponsored the conference for 30 years. After the conference, we visited with the folks at Healing Hands/Fort Worth, Global Samaritan, to Andrews and Lubbock to visit with ladies making dresses for the girls in Nicaragua, Midland, Plainview, Sunray, Children Relief Fund, Southwest in Amarillo, Dimmitt, Clovis and Farwell. Needless to say, it was a very full two weeks. A special thanks to Glenn and Beverly McDonnell for hosting a dinner at their home for us to share the mission in Plainview.
- ESCUELITA DE MISION PARA CRISTO--JUST ONE MORE: We ended 2011 with 27 schools with 46 classrooms and over 2,700 students. With your help, Alberto, our school director, says we will start the New Year with 31 schools and over 3,400 and that number could reach 4,000. For that to happen, we need your help in order to support “Just One More” student, school and community. $20 a month supports a child and $350 a month supports a school. A special thanks to the Riddles in Dimmitt who purchased backpacks for our students this year. Please help us by sharing this service opportunity with your friends. Thank you
- BIBLES FOR NICARAGUA-- We continue our drive for 25,000 Bibles for Nicaragua. The Bibles will be given to congregations to help with their evangelism, to children in our schools and to the Las Mercedes Hotel in Managua and Leon. The Bibles for the hotel will also have a bookmark with one side about World Bible School and other side World English Institute contact information. The cost for each Bible is $3. This covers the cost of the Bible, shipping and distribution. We will be shipping 10,000 on our next container out of Abilene, but need to continue to secure the full 25,000.
- FOOD CONTAINER— We have been given the opportunity of six containers of soup mix, which is needed. The content of the container is free, but we have to cover the cost of the shipping. We need $6,000 for the cost of shipping and distribution. That makes the cost of the meals 2 cents per serving.
- TRUCK REPAIR –We have funds set aside for regular maintenance of our vehicles, but not for major repairs. We need $1,950 to cover the cost of overhauling one truck’s motor. This makes work a little tighter around here until the repair.
- CONSTRUCTION GROUPS—We still need construction groups to help us build four schools before the summer.
Thanks for your continued support for this Mission for Christ in Nicaragua. Please continue to keep the church, the mission and us in Nicaragua in your prayers as we move into 2012. We could do what we do without you support, prayers and encouragement.
Because of Him:
Benny and Donna