November 2011
We started November at the Pan American Lectureship. It was in Costa Rica this year and that allowed everyone to go with us: Mike and Ann; Janese; Tommy and Becky; Chris, Jill, Zach and Maggie; David, Caryn, Isaac, and Levi. It was a good trip; good time together and a blessing to be with those that have a heart and focus for Latin America. Next year PAL will be in Brazil…
Karen Womack and Dot King travelled back to Nicaragua with us from PAL. Dot’s husband and Karen’s dad, Dr. Ray King, with the church in Morrilton, AR, helped with the first support for the church in Jinotega. Karen did a teacher’s workshop on reading while they were here.
It was a blessing to end the month visiting with congregations in Decatur, TX; Highland in Texarkana; River Valley in Russellville, AR and in Dover, AR. We were also blessed to have time this month to see all eight of our grandchildren (and their parents).
Alberto Lopez, Luis Garcia, Tommy Brown and Efrain Perez made a trip on the Rio Coco to deliver supplies, have another session of IPO, and encourage the church. In San Andres the building on the river has been painted and the church has a new place to meet. During the trip they were able to be part of seven baptisms. This was our fifth trip on the river this year. The next trip is scheduled for January 10th. You can find on our website under NEWS current information about the history of the river work and plans for the future.
Thanks to everyone that helped us secure our largest number of “Smiles” in the history of this project, over 9,500 are on their way to Nicaragua, could not have done it without your help. Complete report and pictures in next month’s newsletter.
Karen Womack and Dot King travelled back to Nicaragua with us from PAL. Dot’s husband and Karen’s dad, Dr. Ray King, with the church in Morrilton, AR, helped with the first support for the church in Jinotega. Karen did a teacher’s workshop on reading while they were here.
It was a blessing to end the month visiting with congregations in Decatur, TX; Highland in Texarkana; River Valley in Russellville, AR and in Dover, AR. We were also blessed to have time this month to see all eight of our grandchildren (and their parents).
Alberto Lopez, Luis Garcia, Tommy Brown and Efrain Perez made a trip on the Rio Coco to deliver supplies, have another session of IPO, and encourage the church. In San Andres the building on the river has been painted and the church has a new place to meet. During the trip they were able to be part of seven baptisms. This was our fifth trip on the river this year. The next trip is scheduled for January 10th. You can find on our website under NEWS current information about the history of the river work and plans for the future.
Thanks to everyone that helped us secure our largest number of “Smiles” in the history of this project, over 9,500 are on their way to Nicaragua, could not have done it without your help. Complete report and pictures in next month’s newsletter.
- We still need 3 to 6 teams of 6 to 10 people to come in the next six months to help with ongoing construction projects led by Jimmy. The trips would need to be from 7 to 10 days. The in-country cost per person is $575.
- Please keep the Hennigers, Browns and Counts in your prayers as they continue make their transition to Nicaragua. The Hennigers and Counts have found a house.
- Please continue to keep the future develop of the work on the Rio Coco in your prayers. We meet with army this month to start developing a working plan with them for the river.
- “Hope for Life” needs your support. It costs $250 to purchase a goat for the sustainable living projects.
- The decision of Jonathan and Sheila Holland to become part of our team in Nicaragua in 2012.
- Please continue to keep in your prayer development of Character for Kids in Spanish.
- The city of Matagalpa has given land for a new congregation there. We need $4,000 to build a small building for the congregation to meet. They must build something in the next three months or they will lose the land.
- Bibles for Nicaragua. $3 a Bible, $108 per case of 36, $75,000 is needed to secure all 25,000. We need your help to secure the Bibles for shipment to Nicaragua in January.
- As the year comes to a close we ask you to consider of a year-end contribution to the mission by sending a check to us to Misión Para Cristo, 700 Garland Street, Plainview, TX 79072 or secure contribution can through Pay-pal through the website, and click on Donate.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement, remembering that none of this would be possible without God’s blessings and your support. Please continue to keep the church, the mission and us in your prayers.