Summer 2011
We are so thankful for everyone who shared their time, energy, talents and resources with us over the summer and for those of you who provide faithful financial and prayerful support; you collectively make this mission in Nicaragua possible. For none of this would be possible without God’s blessings and the partnership of people like you… by your doing something, our doing something and God putting it together we can do something we could have not done apart from each other…
In August we had the privilege to visit with the church in Las Cruces, NM where Rick and Sherry Owens are members. Most of you that have been to Nicaragua know how we credit the efforts of the Owens in Mexico that was the encouragement to be part of a Hispanic ministry in Yell County Arkansas, that allowed us to meet Mario Roque, that started the plans to open a medical clinic as the outreach of the church in Jinotega, the clinic opened in October of 1997. And I guess you can say the rest is history.
1. CONSTRUCTION TEAMS---could you help by putting together a team of 6 – 10 and come to help with current construction projects. We need to develop 3 to 6 teams to come in the fall and early 2012 to work with us for 7 to 10 days. Jimmy will be overseeing all the construction thus it will be easy for a group to come in the middle and move forward. The in-country cost per person for a group is $575 (that covers everything from picking them up at the airport and getting them back on the plane).
2. In your prayers as the Hennigers, Browns and Counts as they make their transition to Nicaragua in September.
4. We need the funding for two additional containers.
5. $300 a month is needed to help with the support of the new congregation in Yali.
6. $450 a month is need for funding to continue the expansion of the Institute of Preparation of Workers in San Andres. Two teachers will go to San Andres every other month for a week to 10 days (next trip is in October), the funds are needed for transportation, food, and supplies. We need to secure Bibles and develop material in both Miskito and in Sumo. We need $2,000 to purchase a portable projection system that will be used in many ways but especially for the institute on the river. This is the type of system used on the river trip in August to show the “Jesus” movie.
7. Contact us for the complete details of the projections for expansion of the effort of ESPERANZA DEL RIO on the Rio Coco.
8. ***SMILES-2011”, it is not too late if you have not made your “Smile” for this year. The Highway ladies will make it for you. You can send a check to the Mission, marked “Smiles”, 128 Hwy Church Road, Judsonia, AR or go to our website, and make your contribution through pay-pal marked “Smiles”.
9. It is just September but we have already started receiving our group commitments for 2012. Please be in contact with us on your group coming to Nicaragua next year.
10. Janese Davis, who works with the Casa Materna, is planning to start sending out a newsletter specifically concerning the work with the ladies. Please let us know if you would like to receive those email updates from her.
11. We are in the process of staging a container in Central Florida; we need warehouse space to stage and load the container. We would need the space for about 30 days, please contact us if you know of a location that might be possible or someone we could contact.
12. Most of all, please keep this mission in your prayers especially giving thanks for God gracious blessings but with God’s blessing Satan will always look for ways to challenge.
PICTURES—for a complete picture review of the summary go to our website: and click on galleries to see all of God blessings this summer.
I Cor. 12-13 & Philippians 1:3-5
To say that this has been a full summer would be an understatement. To cover everything that happened this summer would be impossible, hopefully this summary will give you an idea of God’s gracious resources from many people in many ways to help in our efforts to Share Jesus as We Serve People in Nicaragua.- We were blessed by those that came to Nicaragua working in medical, schools, construction, touched people, to encourage the church and to encourage us. Thanks to those that came: Highway in Judsonia, AR, Olive Branch Ministries, Chandler Street in Kilgore, Central in Johnson City, Texas Tech Medical School, Snellville, GA, North Atlanta, 4th Avenue in Franklin, TX, Metro in Orlando, FL, Summerville, SC, Hampton Road/Arkansas Blvd in Texarkana, Saturn Road in Garland, Argyle in Jacksonville (was part of the Olive Branch team), Tintern in Beansville, Canada, Harding University and we were also blessed with individuals and families that came from Clovis, Nm; Ocala, FL; Stafford, VA; Duncanville, TX; Denver, CO and Dimmitt, TX.
- We were blessed by those who helped in June for us to be able to purchase an additional van before our first group of the summer arrived.
- We had the blessing of 12 interns through the summer coming from Lipscomb, Harding, Freed-Hardeman, Lee College and Lubbock Christian.
- Also this summer we had a group of 10 students from Harding University come for the month of July as part of a Summer Experience that had them in New York City, Searcy for Uplift, and Nicaragua.
- This was the seventh year with the support of Harding University to host a National Youth Day– Uplift Nicaragua. This year there were over 1,400 youth in attendance. We were also blessed to have had 65 with us from the United States.
- During the summer over 6,000 people were served medically with medical brigades, mobile clinics, the full-time clinic in Jinotega, Teethsavers, and parasite treatment.
- 20 of our schools were visited with Bible Adventures and the Robertson Mobile Library.
- New congregation was established in Yali with 37 new brother and sisters as result of Medical Brigade of Olive Branch Ministries (this is the 8th congregation started directly from a brigade with OBM since 2004) who made their second trip to Nicaragua this year. God has blessed us now to work with congregations in every municipality in the Jinotega Department.
- There were over 100 new brothers and sisters were added to the church across the Jinotega Department.
- The start of preparation for the construction for one of the congregations in Matagalpa and repair and painting of three other locations of the church.
- As with almost every group a lot of blocks were made for our construction projects.
- Thanks to the Chandler Street congregation in Kilgore, TX we received two baptisteries: one that is a combination baptistery and communion table for the congregation in Jinotega and a portable baptistery.
- 10 Latrines were built in the community of Apanas.
- Construction and repair of six homes. One was for Angelina; she works as one of the cleaning ladies at the mission. Mark from South Carolina, who builds houses in the states, said one night: “I build million dollar homes in the US but have never seen anyone more excited about a house than her.” To Angelina it was the first place she had of her own; I wish I could capture her smile on paper for you…
- Approval of two USAID grants: One to build and remodel four schools and one to expand our efforts with Materna Health. Also received funding from someone who came this summer for a fifth school. Reason construction teams needed between now and February 2012.
- Thanks to the help of Dr. Patti Patterson and students from Texas Tech Medical school we were able to train 42 of our community health promoters to be functional mid-wives. All received certification from the Ministry of Health. The number one cause of death in the Jinotega department in maternal.
- Received three containers from Global Samaritan Resources in Abilene: two containers of soup-mix and one of the best container of medical supplies, medicine, schools supplies, wheelchairs, teddy bears and other supplies we have every received.
- With the help of teachers that came this summer we were able to do three teacher’s seminars.
- Support of the efforts with the Casa Materna is always a blessing to many to those serving and those being served. This summer we expand our efforts to help the Casa Materna in Yali and in La Concordia.
ESPERANZA DEL RIO (Hope for the River). In August, thanks to the Metro congregation in Orlando, Harding University and three of our summer interns, we took a group to six communities on the river to bring supplies and resources, and to develop a long term plan to maintain the mission’s objective of “Sharing Jesus as We Serve People,” on the Rio Coco. Specifically on this trip we were able to:
- Deliver more than 4,000 pounds of soup mix (Kids against Hunger) with an additional 30,000 committed o Deliver supplies to six school.
- Provide water-purification units to congregations in six communities, with training.
- Administer parasite medicine to 1,000 children.
- The official start of our Bible Institute, The Institute for Preparation of Workers in San Andres. The Institute is part of program started six year ago in Jinotega to mature workers in the region for service to the church.
- Show the “Jesus” movie each night in the native, Miskito, language.
- Provide building supplies for two congregations.
- Purchase land and location for the congregation in San Andres.
- Purchase a coconut tree in Esperanza.
- We could not do what we do without the groups that come each year but there would not be a mission to come to if it was not for those that provide the monthly support of the mission. That support allows the daily work of the mission to continue with the medical clinic in Jinotega, Teethsavers, 27 schools operating, efforts of 27 congregations, prison outreach, and the many other ways God gives us to serve and most importantly to share. It also provides the foundation for the groups to come and serve in Nicaragua.
In August we had the privilege to visit with the church in Las Cruces, NM where Rick and Sherry Owens are members. Most of you that have been to Nicaragua know how we credit the efforts of the Owens in Mexico that was the encouragement to be part of a Hispanic ministry in Yell County Arkansas, that allowed us to meet Mario Roque, that started the plans to open a medical clinic as the outreach of the church in Jinotega, the clinic opened in October of 1997. And I guess you can say the rest is history.
1. CONSTRUCTION TEAMS---could you help by putting together a team of 6 – 10 and come to help with current construction projects. We need to develop 3 to 6 teams to come in the fall and early 2012 to work with us for 7 to 10 days. Jimmy will be overseeing all the construction thus it will be easy for a group to come in the middle and move forward. The in-country cost per person for a group is $575 (that covers everything from picking them up at the airport and getting them back on the plane).
2. In your prayers as the Hennigers, Browns and Counts as they make their transition to Nicaragua in September.
4. We need the funding for two additional containers.
5. $300 a month is needed to help with the support of the new congregation in Yali.
6. $450 a month is need for funding to continue the expansion of the Institute of Preparation of Workers in San Andres. Two teachers will go to San Andres every other month for a week to 10 days (next trip is in October), the funds are needed for transportation, food, and supplies. We need to secure Bibles and develop material in both Miskito and in Sumo. We need $2,000 to purchase a portable projection system that will be used in many ways but especially for the institute on the river. This is the type of system used on the river trip in August to show the “Jesus” movie.
7. Contact us for the complete details of the projections for expansion of the effort of ESPERANZA DEL RIO on the Rio Coco.
8. ***SMILES-2011”, it is not too late if you have not made your “Smile” for this year. The Highway ladies will make it for you. You can send a check to the Mission, marked “Smiles”, 128 Hwy Church Road, Judsonia, AR or go to our website, and make your contribution through pay-pal marked “Smiles”.
9. It is just September but we have already started receiving our group commitments for 2012. Please be in contact with us on your group coming to Nicaragua next year.
10. Janese Davis, who works with the Casa Materna, is planning to start sending out a newsletter specifically concerning the work with the ladies. Please let us know if you would like to receive those email updates from her.
11. We are in the process of staging a container in Central Florida; we need warehouse space to stage and load the container. We would need the space for about 30 days, please contact us if you know of a location that might be possible or someone we could contact.
12. Most of all, please keep this mission in your prayers especially giving thanks for God gracious blessings but with God’s blessing Satan will always look for ways to challenge.
PICTURES—for a complete picture review of the summary go to our website: and click on galleries to see all of God blessings this summer.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement...please continue to keep us, the mission and the church in Nicaragua in your prayers.
Because of Him: Benny and Donna