December 2010
The only problem with Smiles 2010 is that we just did not have enough gifts for all the requests, and many children did not receive this year. Our goal for 2011 is to have a gift for each request. Please help us by planning now to be a part of our 2011 Smiles Project. “A Smile for a Child at Christmas.”
Thanks to those who helped to make this learning and maturity opportunity possible.
December 1st, working with MINSA and seven other local NGOs, the clinic and the church participated as part of Community Health Day. One of the positives of the day was that we were able to address those attending about a person’s spiritual health being as critical as their physical health. Also in December the local Ministry of Health honored the mission and the church for our efforts for health in Jinotega.
Our first group for 2011 arrived on January 1 and we moved into the New Year with excitement and anticipation for what God has planned in our efforts to Share Jesus as We Serve the People of Nicaragua.
As we move into this New Year we would ask your consideration of the “List” in ways you can be a partner with this mission in Nicaragua. Your support of the mission can be sent to Misión Para Christ, 700 Garland Street, Plainview, TX 79072 or you can make a donation through our website: using Pay-Pal.
The “List”:
1. We have one container in Abilene ready for shipment but we need $8,000 for shipping and distribution. We have been offered a container a month of soup mix, over 270,000 servings per container. $8,000 is needed for the shipping and distribution for each container.
2. To help us open additional schools in 2011.
a. $6,500 to build a two-room school, $3,000 to build a one room school.
b. $350 a month for the operation of the school.
c. $20 a month to sponsor a child.
3. Help with the monthly cost of medicine for the clinic in Jinotega…thanks to a new agreement with Accion Medica we have been able to reduce our monthly medicine cost by more than $500. $890.00 purchases a month supply of the basic medicines needed for the clinic which sees an average of 1,200 patients a month
4. This month we receive an $8,000 commitment for our efforts on the Rio Coco, an additional $12,000 is needed for us to be able to expand the work in that area and allow us to have continued connection with the area and what has been accomplished over the last five years.
5. $500 a month is needed to support our new class in our Institute for Preparation of Workers.
6. $ 1,500 is needed to purchase additional equipment to add Video Classroom for our Institute for Preparation Worker. This equipment will allow us to do additional training for our Bible Institute and for our Teachers and Community Health Promoters.
7. $18,500 is needed to purchase an additional van
8. $3,600 is need in 2011 for us to add Character First material to the curriculum in our schools. We have been given permission for free use of the material; the cost is to cover the printing of the hand-out material for the children.
9. Plans are being made to plant three new congregations in 2011: San Juan, Yali and Naraja. There is also the possibility of additional new congregations on the Rio Coco. Contact us today about the support needed for these new congregations. $300 a month is needed for each of those new congregations.
Thank you for being a part of this mission for Christ in Nicaragua. For without God’s blessings and your support we could not do what we do.
Our first group for 2011 arrived on January 1 and we moved into the New Year with excitement and anticipation for what God has planned in our efforts to Share Jesus as We Serve the People of Nicaragua.
As we move into this New Year we would ask your consideration of the “List” in ways you can be a partner with this mission in Nicaragua. Your support of the mission can be sent to Misión Para Christ, 700 Garland Street, Plainview, TX 79072 or you can make a donation through our website: using Pay-Pal.
The “List”:
1. We have one container in Abilene ready for shipment but we need $8,000 for shipping and distribution. We have been offered a container a month of soup mix, over 270,000 servings per container. $8,000 is needed for the shipping and distribution for each container.
2. To help us open additional schools in 2011.
a. $6,500 to build a two-room school, $3,000 to build a one room school.
b. $350 a month for the operation of the school.
c. $20 a month to sponsor a child.
3. Help with the monthly cost of medicine for the clinic in Jinotega…thanks to a new agreement with Accion Medica we have been able to reduce our monthly medicine cost by more than $500. $890.00 purchases a month supply of the basic medicines needed for the clinic which sees an average of 1,200 patients a month
4. This month we receive an $8,000 commitment for our efforts on the Rio Coco, an additional $12,000 is needed for us to be able to expand the work in that area and allow us to have continued connection with the area and what has been accomplished over the last five years.
5. $500 a month is needed to support our new class in our Institute for Preparation of Workers.
6. $ 1,500 is needed to purchase additional equipment to add Video Classroom for our Institute for Preparation Worker. This equipment will allow us to do additional training for our Bible Institute and for our Teachers and Community Health Promoters.
7. $18,500 is needed to purchase an additional van
8. $3,600 is need in 2011 for us to add Character First material to the curriculum in our schools. We have been given permission for free use of the material; the cost is to cover the printing of the hand-out material for the children.
9. Plans are being made to plant three new congregations in 2011: San Juan, Yali and Naraja. There is also the possibility of additional new congregations on the Rio Coco. Contact us today about the support needed for these new congregations. $300 a month is needed for each of those new congregations.
Thank you for being a part of this mission for Christ in Nicaragua. For without God’s blessings and your support we could not do what we do.
Benny and Donna Baker
None of this would be possible without God’s blessings and your partnership… by you doing something, we doing something and God putting it together we can do something we could have not done apart from each other…
I Cor. 12-13/Philippians 1:3-5
None of this would be possible without God’s blessings and your partnership… by you doing something, we doing something and God putting it together we can do something we could have not done apart from each other…
I Cor. 12-13/Philippians 1:3-5