May 2010
Sharing Jesus as we Serve People in Nicaragua
Misión Para Cristo”Sharing Jesus as we Serve People in Nicaragua”
1 Cuadro Este Petronic, Jinotega, Nicaragua
US: 318-560-2868/Nicaragua: 011-505-8936-4538 /
Benny Baker—Executive Director/Mike Faris/Ben Brooks---Deputy Director
The Southern School of Optometry starts May for the Mission
May started with The Southern School of Optometry from Memphis, TN returning for their second trip to Nicaragua. This yearthey saw over 900 people and fitted over 400 pairs of classes. Fitting the glasses was a great blessing but there was a great service provided to the mothers who were told their children's eyes were healthy problems and they child did not need glasses.
Church in Northern Nicaragua Continues to Grow
We rejoice with the continued growth of the church in Northern Nicaragua. This month there were ten baptisms from Rene’s work with the rehabilitation program in La Dalia. Helping Rene is Miguel, who was one of the leaders of the congregation in the prison. Please keep Miguel in your prayers with his release from prison. Also there were three with the congregation in Apanas and three in Jinotega. One of those was a lady that works at the Casa Materna. Please keep these new brothers and sisters in your prayers.The second week of May our Institute for Preparation of Workers had their second session of 2010. With both classes we have 52 students studying to be able to better serve the church in North Central Nicaragua. The Institute will not meet in June but both the first and second year students will meet together the week of July 5th.
More Happenings Around the Mission
Teethsavers continues to be a great blessing serving the children in Northern Nicaragua. They continue to go to all our school evaluating and treating the students. Teethsavers, Olive Branch Ministries, Child Meds First, Spanish Literature, Abilene Christian, Lubbock Christian, Harding University, Texas Tech University, Global Samaritan International, Blessing International, The Southern School of Optometry, congregations and individuals working with us shows what partnership in missions is all about.
This month we had the Regional Competition for 2010 Bible Bowl (Tazon Biblico) in six different areas. The winners will meet on July 11th for the finals for this year. The team from Jinotega will represent the north region in the finals. A special thanks to Julio Ruiz and Alberto Lopez in their coordination of this effort for the youth in Nicaragua. We continue to thank Spanish Literature and Big Three Bible for their help in making this effort in Nicaragua possible.
Dr. Mark Barker returned to Nicaragua to help Reynaldo and on his farm in Yankea with his sons. One thing that he did was to design and bring with him a plow that he gave to Reynaldo and showed Jimmy and Alberto how to make additional plows for the farmers. Mark was also able to preach (thanks to Lester) for the church in Yankea on Sunday.
On May 28th our first interns arrived for the summer: Jacob and Kate Martin from Harding, Haily and Stacy Sanchez from Abilene Christian University and Ashli Rossel from Harding. We will have nine different interns with us this summer from four to eight weeks stays. They are always blessing to the mission and the church when they come.
The “List” for your prayers and consideration:
- Donna is doing much better and was able to return to Nicaragua the last of week of May. Thanks for your prayers for her and us during this time.
- The Haitian Children Project, we have received permission from the Haitian government for this project. Please contact us on details of this project and how you can help. Most of all please keep it in your prayers; many more things must come together for it to be a reality.
- Our search for the new Nicaraguan Director. We also have seven areas where we need additional workers; full-time translators, one person with Agriculture and Bible training, and additional evangelist. There is just a lot to do, please pray that God will raise up workers. Could you help with $300 a month to help secure one of these workers.
- Construction teams, we could use a couple of construction teams to come in the fall. See if you can find 5 or 6 to join you and come this year.
- Could you help with “Just One More…” student or school? $20 a month helps a child, $350 supports a school?
- Contact us today about how a Bracelet can make a different in three different places in the world. It is amazing what $10 can do.
- $200 a month for printing of Bible material for the children in our schools and congregations.
- $3,000 more is needed for the National Youth Day (Uplift) scheduled for July. The day will also serve as the finals for 2010 Bible Bowl.
- We need $4,000 for the starting of the new congregation in Matagalpa. This will build a temporary location for the church to meet and other supplies for the new congregation.
- Please contact us today for a complete “list” of ways you can be part of this Mission for Christ.
Thanks for your continued support, for without it and God’s blessings none of this would be possible.