April 2010
Sharing Jesus as we Serve People in Nicaragua
700 Garland Street, Plainview, TX 79072Rotonda Petronic 1 1/2 Cuadras al Este Jinotega, Nicaragua
Phone: US: 1-318-560-2868/Nicaragua: 011-505-8936-4538
www.misionparacristo.com / photos.misionparacristo.com
Email: misionparacristo@netscape.net
Benny Baker—Executive Director/Mike Faris/Ben Brooks---Deputy Directors
None of this would be possible without God’s blessings and your partnership… by you doing something, us doing something and God putting it together we can do something we could have not done apart from each other…
I Cor. 12-13/Philippians 1:3-5
Donna Continues to Improve
First, we would to thank everyone for your prayers and concerns for Donna as she continues to recover from her knee surgery. Her progress has been slower with the last surgery but she continues to improve and should be returning home to Nicaragua around the middle of May. As she says, “Thanks for your prayers but please don’t stop.” Words cannot express our appreciation to Dr. A.D and Sharron Smith who have opened their lives to us during this time. Thanks also to Mike and Ann for being in Nicaragua this month while we have been in the states. Not sure what we would have done without them but God knew and that is why He blessed us with them.Mission Invited to Participate in "Todas Con Vos"
This month we have been asked to be part of a project called, “Todas Con Vos,” a project to identify those in the regions with special needs. This program is a nationwide program that now is focusing on the Jinotega Region. We have already provided help with the starting of the project, we will be helping with transportation, and with the help of Global Samaritan in Abilene we are trying to put together this month a container of crutches, canes for the blind, wheelchairs and other items specific to the needs of the handicap. Our plans are for our groups over the next couple of months to help distribute these items in communities we have schools and congregations.Texas Tech Medical Interns Experience Variety
We had the blessing this month of having two fourth year medical from Texas Tech Medical school doing a one month rotation: Kathleen Chung and Bharat Kakarala. Their time was summed up best by Katie in a message to Dr. Patterson, who arranged them coming to Nicaragua: “Just wanted to let you know that I am having a great time here in Jinotega! I´ve been so happy with how this rotation has turned out and the variety of disciplines that I have been involved in that directly impacts health. We have spent time with Dra. Peña´s, Casa Materna, Teethsavers (learning how to do oral exams and ART, examining children, and starting a prevention study), Mike in his endeavors to provide microfinance loans to local farmers to start a co-op in Yankee, testing water pumps (and trying to remember how physics works)… All in all, a great all around picture of what it means to work in the international realm.” There will be eight Texas Tech medical students coming with Olive Branch in June and seven of them will be spending some additional time here with Dr. Patterson.Special Education School Honors Mission Para Cristo
We were honored by the Special Education School for all that we have done and continue to do for the children. The school is not one of our schools directly but we do provide support for two their teachers and just about every group we have come to Nicaragua does something for them while they are here. The school response to all levels of special need children. This past year groups have painted the school, rebuilt their kitchen and we have provided supplies that were specific in helping teach special needs children. Mike, Ann, Alberto and the two medical students attended a special presentation by the students and the mission received a Certificate of Appreciation for our help for the school. The director said recently, “Misión Para Cristo is always coming and willing to do what is necessary for us.”Haiti Children Update
The project for the children of Haiti continues to move forward. We meet this month with the Jean Robert, the preacher in Haiti. The twelve children have been selected; all the children are from the Demas 43 congregation and are presently living in tents with extended family or members of the church. The Haitian government has given a permit for the project and soon as all the documents of the children have been completed we will make a formal request of approval to the First Lady of Nicaragua’s office. Please keep this possibility of serving children in your prayers. This project is about providing a place for the children to regain their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual stability. The plans are for them to return to home to Haiti when things are in place there for their return. Contact us today for more details.Keep Us in Your Prayers
- We have two containers to ship to Nicaragua that we need funds for the shipping; the cost of each container is $6,000.
- The continued search for a new Nicaraguan Director. We also have seven other areas that we could use additional workers (full-time translators, one person with Agriculture and Bible training, and additional evangelist, there is just a lot to do, please prayer that God will raise up workers.)
- Contact us about the project in Pantasma, this will be the largest construction every for the mission with the building of a Casa Materna, a school, physical therapy area for handicap children and place of worship for the congregation there. We have funding ready to start the project but not for the completion.
- Could you help with “Just One More…” student or school? $20 a month helps a child, $350 supports a school?
- $200 a month for printing of Bible material for the children in our schools and congregations.
- We need $2,600 for the funding of Bible Bowl for 2010. There will be six regional competitions in May with the finals being July 17.
- Uplift Nicaragua, $5,000 is needed for this Youth Day in Managua we have hosted over the five year. Tentative date for this year is July 17.
- We need $4,000 for the starting of the new congregation in Matagalpa. This will build a temporary location for the church to meet and other supplies for the new congregation.
- $500 a month is needed to be able to rent additional space for the mission and church in Jinotega.
- Please contact us today for a complete “list” of ways you can be part of this Mission for Christ.
Thanks for your continued support, for without it and God’s blessings done of this would be possible.
Because of Him; Benny and Donna