June 2009
We entered the New Year with some questions and concerns on how this year would come together with the many issues facing our world. We were not sure how the financial crisis, security issues, and more recently the "Swine Flu" as well as some other questions would impact the mission. We are now at the six month mark of 2009 and Paul’s words continue to echo what God’s blessings and your support is doing, "exceeding more than we could ask or imagine." Ephesians 3:20
Highlights of June: Something was happening almost every day here in June.
o Highway church was here for their eighth year. Their time here was spent finishing the church building in Yankea, starting construction of the school in St. Inez, mobile clinic, school visit, making of blocks for all our building project and touching many children.
o A major problem in Nicaragua is the abuse of alcohol. Donna brother-in-law, Dennis Lilley who was here with Donna’s sister and their grandson, spent almost every night visiting with different groups striving to help people in this area. He also spent two different days at the Waswili prison with Luis Prada, our Prison Director, helping us to start a new project with those battling this problem. Please keep this effort of serving people in your prayers and know that Christ is their answer.
o Olive Branch was here for their second trip this year working in La Concordia. Dental: 130 patients, 297 teeth pulled, Medical: 1,098, Eyeglasses: 760 and over 200 children touched with Bible classes. One of the main objectives in La Concordia was to help strengthen the church there. We had seven evangelists working with the brigade.
o It was a little of sad month with Sergio, Daysi, and Douglas finishing their six months with us and returning to Baxter to finishing school. They graduate in December. They were great blessing to us during their time here. Keep in your prayers the possibility of them returning to Nicaragua after they graduate.
o Dr. Jack Rudd with Teethsavers International was here looking to help us expand our efforts for the oral health especially with children. He said that he found a greater problem with children’s teeth here than he had found anywhere else in the world. Teethsavers will not only help us with our Dental Prevention efforts but will also help us provide dental treatment for children 5 to 10 years of age. Teethsavers efforts will start with our schools and with our community health promoter’s network. The goal of this project, coupled with the help of the mission in Jinotega, is to be a model for Nicaragua and then Central America in the prevention and treatment of dental issues in the children of these areas. Dr. Rudd says it this way, "Teaching a new tradition to a new generation." That really summarizes everything that we are striving to do in Nicaragua.
o We had our 5th training session for our Community Health Promoters. There were three major section of the two day training: Presentation of the new Teethsavers Project, Dr. Patterson and MINSA given prevention information on the "Swine Flu" problem. Each promoters received new supplies to help in their effort to serve their community
o "Institute for Preparation of Workers" had our third session for 2009. It was exciting for me to be able to teach two classes in June. The next classes will be in August.
o The month ended with groups from the Grapevine church and Summerville church here together.
o Our first two interns left and it was a blessing to have with us Megan and Audrey, both 1st year medical students from Lincoln University in Tennessee. But we were blessed to have more to come and take their place.
o Mike and Ann returned to Nicaragua in June. Mike continues to do well recovering from his surgery. It is great to have them back at work in Nicaragua.
o After many months we were able to sign the Medicine Agreement that will give us greater opportunity to help this country with the storage of medicine. Please contact us if you are interested in the specifics of this agreement between us, the Ministry of Health, University of Leon, University of Leon’s Pharmacy Lab, and Blessings International. We presently have over four million dollars worth of medicine ready to be shipped upon the completion of the testing process with the lab in Leon.
The list for prayers and consideration:
We have construction money for building three more schools. We are needing $300 a month per school for operations. Our goal is to have all three school completed by the fall. We continue to ask your prayers for the project in Pantasma, we still do not have the paperwork on the land that was given to us last year. We cannot start construction till that paperwork is completed. Help us to find additional sources for medicine. Funding for two additional vehicles, a van and utility truck. In July we will conclude our 1st year of Bible Bowl "Tazón Biblico". $3,000 ($250 a month) is needed for the funding for the 2nd year for distribution of material, Bibles, and regional competitions. Your consideration of one-time contribution for the general work of the mission. It is time to start preparation for our annual "Smiles" for children at Christmas. Contact Karen at momc4him@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or 501-827-0746 for new brochures, pick-up dates and shipping locations for 2009. Last year thanks to your support and efforts over 7,000 "Smiles" were sent to Nicaragua. Can you help us this year touch one more child with a "Smile". Below we are standing in front of our thank-you board in the mission’s offices in Jinotega. The board represents our appreciation for you, our partners, that make this mission. It is only with God’s blessings and your support that this Mission for Christ is possible.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement.
Because of Him… Benny and Donna
Highlights of June: Something was happening almost every day here in June.
o Highway church was here for their eighth year. Their time here was spent finishing the church building in Yankea, starting construction of the school in St. Inez, mobile clinic, school visit, making of blocks for all our building project and touching many children.
o A major problem in Nicaragua is the abuse of alcohol. Donna brother-in-law, Dennis Lilley who was here with Donna’s sister and their grandson, spent almost every night visiting with different groups striving to help people in this area. He also spent two different days at the Waswili prison with Luis Prada, our Prison Director, helping us to start a new project with those battling this problem. Please keep this effort of serving people in your prayers and know that Christ is their answer.
o Olive Branch was here for their second trip this year working in La Concordia. Dental: 130 patients, 297 teeth pulled, Medical: 1,098, Eyeglasses: 760 and over 200 children touched with Bible classes. One of the main objectives in La Concordia was to help strengthen the church there. We had seven evangelists working with the brigade.
o It was a little of sad month with Sergio, Daysi, and Douglas finishing their six months with us and returning to Baxter to finishing school. They graduate in December. They were great blessing to us during their time here. Keep in your prayers the possibility of them returning to Nicaragua after they graduate.
o Dr. Jack Rudd with Teethsavers International was here looking to help us expand our efforts for the oral health especially with children. He said that he found a greater problem with children’s teeth here than he had found anywhere else in the world. Teethsavers will not only help us with our Dental Prevention efforts but will also help us provide dental treatment for children 5 to 10 years of age. Teethsavers efforts will start with our schools and with our community health promoter’s network. The goal of this project, coupled with the help of the mission in Jinotega, is to be a model for Nicaragua and then Central America in the prevention and treatment of dental issues in the children of these areas. Dr. Rudd says it this way, "Teaching a new tradition to a new generation." That really summarizes everything that we are striving to do in Nicaragua.
o We had our 5th training session for our Community Health Promoters. There were three major section of the two day training: Presentation of the new Teethsavers Project, Dr. Patterson and MINSA given prevention information on the "Swine Flu" problem. Each promoters received new supplies to help in their effort to serve their community
o "Institute for Preparation of Workers" had our third session for 2009. It was exciting for me to be able to teach two classes in June. The next classes will be in August.
o The month ended with groups from the Grapevine church and Summerville church here together.
o Our first two interns left and it was a blessing to have with us Megan and Audrey, both 1st year medical students from Lincoln University in Tennessee. But we were blessed to have more to come and take their place.
o Mike and Ann returned to Nicaragua in June. Mike continues to do well recovering from his surgery. It is great to have them back at work in Nicaragua.
o After many months we were able to sign the Medicine Agreement that will give us greater opportunity to help this country with the storage of medicine. Please contact us if you are interested in the specifics of this agreement between us, the Ministry of Health, University of Leon, University of Leon’s Pharmacy Lab, and Blessings International. We presently have over four million dollars worth of medicine ready to be shipped upon the completion of the testing process with the lab in Leon.
The list for prayers and consideration:
We have construction money for building three more schools. We are needing $300 a month per school for operations. Our goal is to have all three school completed by the fall. We continue to ask your prayers for the project in Pantasma, we still do not have the paperwork on the land that was given to us last year. We cannot start construction till that paperwork is completed. Help us to find additional sources for medicine. Funding for two additional vehicles, a van and utility truck. In July we will conclude our 1st year of Bible Bowl "Tazón Biblico". $3,000 ($250 a month) is needed for the funding for the 2nd year for distribution of material, Bibles, and regional competitions. Your consideration of one-time contribution for the general work of the mission. It is time to start preparation for our annual "Smiles" for children at Christmas. Contact Karen at momc4him@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or 501-827-0746 for new brochures, pick-up dates and shipping locations for 2009. Last year thanks to your support and efforts over 7,000 "Smiles" were sent to Nicaragua. Can you help us this year touch one more child with a "Smile". Below we are standing in front of our thank-you board in the mission’s offices in Jinotega. The board represents our appreciation for you, our partners, that make this mission. It is only with God’s blessings and your support that this Mission for Christ is possible.
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement.
Because of Him… Benny and Donna