August - September 2009
In July I started the newsletter with the words of the song "I stand a amazed," and I still don’t know better words to express my feelings toward the blessings of God and the support we have received from you. The support not only from those that come and those that give but those of you who daily have us in your prayers and constantly being in contact with us to encourage and lift us. I am reminded of the story of Moses when Aaron and Hur lifted his arms so the battle could continue and the victory be won. That is what you do for us, thanks for being there.
The Central church in Johnson City, TN came in August helping to move us to completion of a number of projects we have been working on this summer: the school at Saraguasca, the house for Sister Bertilda and the nursing home. The week also involved visiting several of our schools and the Casa Materna. May I say something about one of the members of this team that many of you know, her name is Louise Clites. What can you say about this special lady but thanks for special servants like her and how she encourages others to do what they can do for our Lord!
We continue to work on the effort of "Extending the Shelf Life of Medicine" with the Ministry of Health and the Pharmacy School and Lab in Leon. All the agreements have been signed and everyone is in agreement with the project. Presently we have over 3 million dollars of medicine from Blessings International in Abilene ready for shipping. This medicine has been tested by the lab in Leon and just waiting for the final approval to ship. Pray for that approval.
We ended the month of August with our fourth session of Institute for Preparation of Workers. My assignment to cover the first five books of the Old Testament in five sessions. It is exciting to see the
spirit of learning among the students at the institute. Plans are already being made for a second class to be added in 2010. That means we will have a group here one week every month preparing to serve.
We continue our efforts for Encouraging Water during this time by putting Bio-Sand Filters in three of our schools. Clean Water is a great need but it is also a great challenge.
In September Olive Branch returned for their third trip this year for a return trip to San Andres on the Rio Coco. They were in San Andres four days before Hurricane Felix came through the area two years ago. In three and half days the group saw 1,240 people and another 200 children were given parasite medicine. There were four preachers on the trip and Bible classes were given for over 300 children, there were seven baptisms and a new congregation was established. One special thing about this trip of OBM was there were two fathers/sons who came together. It is always exciting to see families serving together.
In September our project with Teethsavers took the next step with the approval from MINSA on the "Six-Year Molar School" in Jinotega, securing a location and the school opening with 11 students. Dr. Rudd returned to the states with the school being directed by Dr. Bismarck and Allan who is now working full-time with this project. Special thanks to the Teethsavers’ board for their support of this effort in Nicaragua. One way you can help with this project is help secure 50,000 toothbrushes, if we can secure them by the end of October we could get them on the container out Arkansas or Alabama and that would be good.
In September were back in the states for ACU’s Summit and Harding’s Lectureship. At Harding we hosted with Health Talents and Amigos Clinic at Baxter a breakfast on medical outreach in Central America. It was a blessing to have the time with Rick Harper, Dr. Norton and it was exciting to have four students interested in being interns in 2010.
Effective September 30 Agustin Picado resigned as the Nicaraguan Director of the mission. We are very thankful for over five years of service that Agustin has given to the mission. He had worked for nine months with the mission without salary before accepting the role of director in November, 2004.
In September with the support of the Westgate church in Dothan, AL we helped the church in Telica, north of Leon, start a feeding program for 52 children. Pictured is the delivery of food, parasite medicine, Bibles, vitamins, seed and a few toys for the children. Continued support will be given to them with money for food, a mobile clinic, training of two people as Community Health Promoters and two students from the congregation in the Institute in Jinotega.
This year we were blessed with Sergio and Daysis Salazar being with us for six months as part of PAM (Practical Ministry) with Baxter Institute. They were back here in September making the decision to come in December to work with the mission. We are excited about the possible addition of this very special couple to the work in Nicaragua. They are both from Leon.
In September we help with support of the Annual Leadership Conference held on September 15th. Over 400 preachers and wives attended this year’s conference held in Diriamba south of Managua. 13 preachers from this area were able to attend. The last week of September a campaign was held in Pantasma with almost all the preacher we work with helping in this week long time of preaching, teaching and worship.
As we look back over the last three months I want to take a moment to thank our tremendous full-time staff of people we have in Nicaragua. It is their work and commitment that make all these efforts come together from our clinic staff, teachers, Marwell, Tania, Yesica, Marina, Jimmy, Dra Pena, Agustin, Maria, Angelita, Edwin, Luis, Alberto, Rebecca, Miguel, Oscar, Allan, and Miguel. And what can I say but thank-you to Mike and Ann for all that they mean to the mission in here.
For your prayers and consideration:
? Concerning Donna’s knees, she will be having knee replacement surgery probably the first week of December in Texarkana.
? The selection of a new director to replace Agustin, our goal is to have a new director in place by January if not sooner.
? $500 a month is needed to add the second week of the institute in 2010 for 25 students.
? $700 a month is needed for Sergio and Daysis to come to work with the mission in December.
? 50,000 toothbrushes…….could you find a 100 for the project?
? It is time to schedule your group for 2010, there is a lot of work being planned and we need your help!
? Dra Pena fell a couple of week ago and is still in pain and unable to work. Please keep her healing you your prayers.
? On October 18th we will be taking Alba to Monroe, LA for prothesitics. Her daughter Imir will be traveling with her and they will be in the states two to three months for the fitting and physical therapy necessary for learning us the porthesitics. Thanks to Dr. Greg Mayfield in Monroe for making the arrangements for this life changing trip to the US for Alba and her family. Please keep their journey in your prayers. ? October 27th will mark 12 years working in Nicaragua. Please keep us in your prayers as we look at new opportunities and challenges as we continue to strive to Share Jesus as we Serve People.
To say the least the summer of 2009 (October to December promises more of the same) has been our fullest and most productive months in our 12 year history of ministry in Nicaragua. We thank everyone that has made that possible. Those who came, those who gave for those to come and for
those who support this mission monthly faithfully, without all of you we could not do what we do. Thanks again for all your support and encouragement.
Because of Him
Benny and Donna Baker
In July I started the newsletter with the words of the song "I stand a amazed," and I still don’t know better words to express my feelings toward the blessings of God and the support we have received from you. The support not only from those that come and those that give but those of you who daily have us in your prayers and constantly being in contact with us to encourage and lift us. I am reminded of the story of Moses when Aaron and Hur lifted his arms so the battle could continue and the victory be won. That is what you do for us, thanks for being there.
The Central church in Johnson City, TN came in August helping to move us to completion of a number of projects we have been working on this summer: the school at Saraguasca, the house for Sister Bertilda and the nursing home. The week also involved visiting several of our schools and the Casa Materna. May I say something about one of the members of this team that many of you know, her name is Louise Clites. What can you say about this special lady but thanks for special servants like her and how she encourages others to do what they can do for our Lord!
We continue to work on the effort of "Extending the Shelf Life of Medicine" with the Ministry of Health and the Pharmacy School and Lab in Leon. All the agreements have been signed and everyone is in agreement with the project. Presently we have over 3 million dollars of medicine from Blessings International in Abilene ready for shipping. This medicine has been tested by the lab in Leon and just waiting for the final approval to ship. Pray for that approval.
We ended the month of August with our fourth session of Institute for Preparation of Workers. My assignment to cover the first five books of the Old Testament in five sessions. It is exciting to see the
spirit of learning among the students at the institute. Plans are already being made for a second class to be added in 2010. That means we will have a group here one week every month preparing to serve.
We continue our efforts for Encouraging Water during this time by putting Bio-Sand Filters in three of our schools. Clean Water is a great need but it is also a great challenge.
In September Olive Branch returned for their third trip this year for a return trip to San Andres on the Rio Coco. They were in San Andres four days before Hurricane Felix came through the area two years ago. In three and half days the group saw 1,240 people and another 200 children were given parasite medicine. There were four preachers on the trip and Bible classes were given for over 300 children, there were seven baptisms and a new congregation was established. One special thing about this trip of OBM was there were two fathers/sons who came together. It is always exciting to see families serving together.
In September our project with Teethsavers took the next step with the approval from MINSA on the "Six-Year Molar School" in Jinotega, securing a location and the school opening with 11 students. Dr. Rudd returned to the states with the school being directed by Dr. Bismarck and Allan who is now working full-time with this project. Special thanks to the Teethsavers’ board for their support of this effort in Nicaragua. One way you can help with this project is help secure 50,000 toothbrushes, if we can secure them by the end of October we could get them on the container out Arkansas or Alabama and that would be good.
In September were back in the states for ACU’s Summit and Harding’s Lectureship. At Harding we hosted with Health Talents and Amigos Clinic at Baxter a breakfast on medical outreach in Central America. It was a blessing to have the time with Rick Harper, Dr. Norton and it was exciting to have four students interested in being interns in 2010.
Effective September 30 Agustin Picado resigned as the Nicaraguan Director of the mission. We are very thankful for over five years of service that Agustin has given to the mission. He had worked for nine months with the mission without salary before accepting the role of director in November, 2004.
In September with the support of the Westgate church in Dothan, AL we helped the church in Telica, north of Leon, start a feeding program for 52 children. Pictured is the delivery of food, parasite medicine, Bibles, vitamins, seed and a few toys for the children. Continued support will be given to them with money for food, a mobile clinic, training of two people as Community Health Promoters and two students from the congregation in the Institute in Jinotega.
This year we were blessed with Sergio and Daysis Salazar being with us for six months as part of PAM (Practical Ministry) with Baxter Institute. They were back here in September making the decision to come in December to work with the mission. We are excited about the possible addition of this very special couple to the work in Nicaragua. They are both from Leon.
In September we help with support of the Annual Leadership Conference held on September 15th. Over 400 preachers and wives attended this year’s conference held in Diriamba south of Managua. 13 preachers from this area were able to attend. The last week of September a campaign was held in Pantasma with almost all the preacher we work with helping in this week long time of preaching, teaching and worship.
As we look back over the last three months I want to take a moment to thank our tremendous full-time staff of people we have in Nicaragua. It is their work and commitment that make all these efforts come together from our clinic staff, teachers, Marwell, Tania, Yesica, Marina, Jimmy, Dra Pena, Agustin, Maria, Angelita, Edwin, Luis, Alberto, Rebecca, Miguel, Oscar, Allan, and Miguel. And what can I say but thank-you to Mike and Ann for all that they mean to the mission in here.
For your prayers and consideration:
? Concerning Donna’s knees, she will be having knee replacement surgery probably the first week of December in Texarkana.
? The selection of a new director to replace Agustin, our goal is to have a new director in place by January if not sooner.
? $500 a month is needed to add the second week of the institute in 2010 for 25 students.
? $700 a month is needed for Sergio and Daysis to come to work with the mission in December.
? 50,000 toothbrushes…….could you find a 100 for the project?
? It is time to schedule your group for 2010, there is a lot of work being planned and we need your help!
? Dra Pena fell a couple of week ago and is still in pain and unable to work. Please keep her healing you your prayers.
? On October 18th we will be taking Alba to Monroe, LA for prothesitics. Her daughter Imir will be traveling with her and they will be in the states two to three months for the fitting and physical therapy necessary for learning us the porthesitics. Thanks to Dr. Greg Mayfield in Monroe for making the arrangements for this life changing trip to the US for Alba and her family. Please keep their journey in your prayers. ? October 27th will mark 12 years working in Nicaragua. Please keep us in your prayers as we look at new opportunities and challenges as we continue to strive to Share Jesus as we Serve People.
To say the least the summer of 2009 (October to December promises more of the same) has been our fullest and most productive months in our 12 year history of ministry in Nicaragua. We thank everyone that has made that possible. Those who came, those who gave for those to come and for
those who support this mission monthly faithfully, without all of you we could not do what we do. Thanks again for all your support and encouragement.
Because of Him
Benny and Donna Baker