Sharing Jesus as We Serve People in Nicaragua
7,836 SMILES
"Thanks to all that helped make the SMILES program so successful in 2009!"
Institute for the Preparation of Workers
We finished our first full year in our new relationship with Sunset. Chris Swinfordfrom Sunset was with us teaching and for the presentation of awards for best students. Mario of Wiwili is the # 1 student for this year. We currently have 30 students enrolled for the new classes starting in January. In 2010 we will have 55 students in the Institute.
Alba and Imer returned HOME
After 2 months in the states being fitted with prothetics and undergoing physical therapy Alba and Imer returned home to Jinotega in time for Christmas. There are so many to thank for this: Dr. Greg Mayfield (Forsythe congregation in Monroe) who connected all the dots, Chris Wallace(North Brandon congregation in Jackson, MS), who designed the prosthesis and his company Methodist Orthotics & Prosthetics, who donated all that was necessary, those (Pleasant Valley and Highway congregations) that meet her and Imar (her daughter) at the airport in Little Rock in October, the Forsythe church and Ouachita Christian School in Monroe who provided the housing, transportation and other needs, Laurie Stickel (Jackson Street congregation in Monroe), who did the physical therapy, Jenessy Medina and her mother Emma (University congregation in Monroe) who translated for Alba. I have been in ministry for over 35 years and I have never seen so many of God’s people coming together with different talents for the common good for one person.
"Partnership--Working together"
On December 14, 2009 the mission visited the community of Telica, located south of León. During that visit the six events listed were accomplished. This day was possible because of eight different partner with the mission and truly shows the power of what can be done when we work in partnership.
* Feeding Program.
* Teethsavers
* Parasite Treatment.
* Smiles
* Mobile Clinic
* Evangelism
Some of the Highlights of 2009
"You did something--we did something--God brought us together so we did what we could not have done apart from each other. 1 Cor.12-13"
It is hard to believe that we are now into our 13thyear in Nicaragua. Sometimes I know that I say the same thing year after year, "this was the best ever." I really did not think it could be better than it was 2008. But 2009 has just been the best year ever. And the reason is God’s continued blessings and your support. I cannot say thank you enough for all the congregations and individuals that partner with us in this mission for Christ. In 2009, 126 different families or individuals and 16 congregations partnered with us in Nicaragua. To that add the 23 groups and over 250 people traveled to Nicaragua this year and you truly have apartnership second to none…
Four new congregations were established (now 25 congregations) and 175 new brothers and sisters in our Lord. One congregation was in San Andres on the Rio Coco, eight congregations over the last five years have been established with our partnership with Olive Branch Ministries.
23 groups coming to Nicaragua with over 300 helping with construction, medical, school, Casa Maternas, and just touching people in the name of our Lord.
New partnership with Teethsavers and opening of the Sixth Year Molar School, first class has 12 students.
New partnership with Sunset International Bible Institute for our Institute for Preparation of Workers. There were 25 students in this new class system.
Opened three additional schools. Builtor remodeled five schools.One major addition to our schools this year was the Byron Robertson Memorial Mobile Library.
Continued work with Casa Materna in Jinotega with over 700 ladies touched in some way. Plans continue to build in Pantasma. Thanks to JaneseDavis and all the works she puts into this project.
Relief efforts for Hurricane Ida.
30,000 plus people have been seen in our Medical Outreach with our regular clinic, mobile clinic, Ocala Medical group and three teams from Olive Branch Ministries.
Continued our Parasite Treatment and training of Community Health Promoters thanks to Child’s Meds.
Conclusion of the first ever Bible Bowl in Nicaragua, special thanks to Spanish Literature. 34 congregations participated this year.
Over 1,600 youth at Uplift Nicaragua thanks to Harding University.
You can read details of each month of 2009 on our website: www.misionparacristo.comand click on newsletters and you can clickon our click the photo link for the year in pictures..
Without God’s blessings and your support none of this would have been possible. As we come to the end of this year we are facing some challenges and new opportunities as we look to 2010, we need your help three ways:
* Most our communication of the mission is by email, if we don’t have your email address please contact us at misionparacristo@aol.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .*We need your help as we respond to challenges and opportunities in the New Year with one-time or monthly support of thisMission Para Cristo.. Make your check payable to Misión Para Cristo and mail to 700 Garland Street, Plainview, TX 79072 or you can make a secured contribution through our website Contact us today for the current "list" for 2010.* Most of all please continue to keep us in your prayers.
Thank you for the blessings and most of
all for your continued prayers for this mission.
Becauseof Him:
Benny and Donna Baker
7,836 SMILES
"Thanks to all that helped make the SMILES program so successful in 2009!"
Institute for the Preparation of Workers
We finished our first full year in our new relationship with Sunset. Chris Swinfordfrom Sunset was with us teaching and for the presentation of awards for best students. Mario of Wiwili is the # 1 student for this year. We currently have 30 students enrolled for the new classes starting in January. In 2010 we will have 55 students in the Institute.
Alba and Imer returned HOME
After 2 months in the states being fitted with prothetics and undergoing physical therapy Alba and Imer returned home to Jinotega in time for Christmas. There are so many to thank for this: Dr. Greg Mayfield (Forsythe congregation in Monroe) who connected all the dots, Chris Wallace(North Brandon congregation in Jackson, MS), who designed the prosthesis and his company Methodist Orthotics & Prosthetics, who donated all that was necessary, those (Pleasant Valley and Highway congregations) that meet her and Imar (her daughter) at the airport in Little Rock in October, the Forsythe church and Ouachita Christian School in Monroe who provided the housing, transportation and other needs, Laurie Stickel (Jackson Street congregation in Monroe), who did the physical therapy, Jenessy Medina and her mother Emma (University congregation in Monroe) who translated for Alba. I have been in ministry for over 35 years and I have never seen so many of God’s people coming together with different talents for the common good for one person.
"Partnership--Working together"
On December 14, 2009 the mission visited the community of Telica, located south of León. During that visit the six events listed were accomplished. This day was possible because of eight different partner with the mission and truly shows the power of what can be done when we work in partnership.
* Feeding Program.
* Teethsavers
* Parasite Treatment.
* Smiles
* Mobile Clinic
* Evangelism
Some of the Highlights of 2009
"You did something--we did something--God brought us together so we did what we could not have done apart from each other. 1 Cor.12-13"
It is hard to believe that we are now into our 13thyear in Nicaragua. Sometimes I know that I say the same thing year after year, "this was the best ever." I really did not think it could be better than it was 2008. But 2009 has just been the best year ever. And the reason is God’s continued blessings and your support. I cannot say thank you enough for all the congregations and individuals that partner with us in this mission for Christ. In 2009, 126 different families or individuals and 16 congregations partnered with us in Nicaragua. To that add the 23 groups and over 250 people traveled to Nicaragua this year and you truly have apartnership second to none…
You can read details of each month of 2009 on our website: www.misionparacristo.comand click on newsletters and you can clickon our click the photo link for the year in pictures..
Without God’s blessings and your support none of this would have been possible. As we come to the end of this year we are facing some challenges and new opportunities as we look to 2010, we need your help three ways:
* Most our communication of the mission is by email, if we don’t have your email address please contact us at misionparacristo@aol.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .*We need your help as we respond to challenges and opportunities in the New Year with one-time or monthly support of thisMission Para Cristo.. Make your check payable to Misión Para Cristo and mail to 700 Garland Street, Plainview, TX 79072 or you can make a secured contribution through our website Contact us today for the current "list" for 2010.* Most of all please continue to keep us in your prayers.
Thank you for the blessings and most of
all for your continued prayers for this mission.
Becauseof Him:
Benny and Donna Baker