May 2008
On May 1, 1648 women and 208 children representing 52 different congregations came together in Managua from all over the country to attend a National Ladies Day. ( For the past four years the mission has helped fund a special day for the sisters in Nicaragua. Each year the mission helps sponsor four national activities for the church in Nicaragua to encourage unity in the fellowship ( Plans for 2008 began immediately after the 2007 Ladies Day with the committee asking Donna to help them to encourage more congregations to participate. It took a year, many requests, many prayers and much faith but God was praised and gloried by the Nicaraguan sisters. “I continue to be amazed at the Nicaraguan Christians desire to learn and willingness to serve. Their needs are for resources to serve. The expense for the two day program was significant but the work of the committee and evangelists was inspiring,” Donna stated at the conclusion of the day. Mikal Frazier and Linda Henry was the speaker for the day with Mireya De Bartes, from the Nueva Libra congregation in Managua.
After the day we returned to the states for very full 17 days that had us in Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana and Florida. Much of the time was working to secure support for our Bible Project. In June we will be sending send 17,268 Bibles to Nicaragua. Contact us today if you can help with this project.
We returned to Nicaragua on the 20th with Janesse Davis, Dr. Mark Barker and his daughter Tabitha. Dr. Mark is a veterinarian and farmer from Alabama. He worked the week with Reynaldo, the preacher in Yankea in developing Reynaldo’s land as a sample farm to help people learn different aspects of farming. Reynaldo supports his family farming.
Contact us or Dr. Mark on his developing plan to help the people help themselves.
Tabitha, a student at Freed-Hardeman, will be one of our interns for the first part of the summer. Janesse comes to continue her work with the Casa Materna. The last week of May seven more interns arrived for the summer: Paige Cargioli-Pepperdine, David Fannon- Texas Tech, Elizabeth Garza-Harding, Daniel Morrissey-Harding, Jessica Medsker-Harding and Mitch and Luke Hill from Harding. Katrina Weatherly that has been working with us over the last four month will be serving as the coordinator of our intern for the first part of the summer.
On the 29th of May our first group arrived. Also Tropical Storm Alma hit Nicaragua. The Highway congregation has been our first summer group for the last seven years. More about their time here in the June Update.
The end of May we moved into additional new space at our present location. The space gives us the ability to house groups of 25 and feed a larger number of people. The space will also give more rooms for seminars, training and meetings in general.
Damage from Alma was limited in Nicaragua but we received a lot rain and it is still raining every day, I guess that is why they call it the rainy season. The greatest damage associated with the church was in Leon where the Guadalupe congregation roof was destroyed and it has greatly affected the use of the building and the preschool that meets in their building. We had one of the last names storms in 2007 and now the first in 2008.
The current “LIST”…
We continue to need to secure additional vehicles. As groups arrive that need becomes even more critical to the work here.
Help with the purchase of Bible Project. $3 per Bible covers the cost of the Bible, shipping and distribution.
Spanish Bible Bowl…We will be presenting and distributing the material for this exciting new project at Uplift Nicaragua. July 12... $3,000 is needed to cove the cost of this project over the next year.
The continued need of securing additional medicine. The more we do the more we need. It just works that way.
Benny and Donna
After the day we returned to the states for very full 17 days that had us in Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana and Florida. Much of the time was working to secure support for our Bible Project. In June we will be sending send 17,268 Bibles to Nicaragua. Contact us today if you can help with this project.
We returned to Nicaragua on the 20th with Janesse Davis, Dr. Mark Barker and his daughter Tabitha. Dr. Mark is a veterinarian and farmer from Alabama. He worked the week with Reynaldo, the preacher in Yankea in developing Reynaldo’s land as a sample farm to help people learn different aspects of farming. Reynaldo supports his family farming.
Contact us or Dr. Mark on his developing plan to help the people help themselves.
Tabitha, a student at Freed-Hardeman, will be one of our interns for the first part of the summer. Janesse comes to continue her work with the Casa Materna. The last week of May seven more interns arrived for the summer: Paige Cargioli-Pepperdine, David Fannon- Texas Tech, Elizabeth Garza-Harding, Daniel Morrissey-Harding, Jessica Medsker-Harding and Mitch and Luke Hill from Harding. Katrina Weatherly that has been working with us over the last four month will be serving as the coordinator of our intern for the first part of the summer.
On the 29th of May our first group arrived. Also Tropical Storm Alma hit Nicaragua. The Highway congregation has been our first summer group for the last seven years. More about their time here in the June Update.
The end of May we moved into additional new space at our present location. The space gives us the ability to house groups of 25 and feed a larger number of people. The space will also give more rooms for seminars, training and meetings in general.
Damage from Alma was limited in Nicaragua but we received a lot rain and it is still raining every day, I guess that is why they call it the rainy season. The greatest damage associated with the church was in Leon where the Guadalupe congregation roof was destroyed and it has greatly affected the use of the building and the preschool that meets in their building. We had one of the last names storms in 2007 and now the first in 2008.
The current “LIST”…
Benny and Donna